Thursday, March 17, 2011

Facebook "Social deception"

I have distorted my self presentation online but not to look more appealing, I have done it so it enables more conversation assumptions rather than label assumptions. I am not a label, therefore I really don't put any labels on my page. I am a unique individual and don't want to be stereotyped because I go to college or because I work at a certain place. I think by labeling yourself on the internet you really limit yourself on the people you meet.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Passion Reflection

How has passion changed over time in your romantic relationships?
Passion changes all the time in all of my romantic relationships I have had. They usually have the same pattern of HOT, very warm, warm, cool, cooler, and then dull. Like the text says, it is normal to have that happen with passion. In the relationship I am in now, I am now experiencing the companionship aspect of passion. It is very new to me and exciting and I love it. I feel that when you enter a long term relationship the couple will make efforts to keep passion alive. The relationship I am in now has not been the same of all my other relationships and that in itself is very exciting.
 Have these changes influenced your communication toward your partners?
Changes in passion have definitely influenced the way I communicate with my partners. In the beginning of a relationship it is very flirtatious and lovey dovey. When the relationship progresses, I start to use comfort communication and compassionate communication with my partner. Also as the relationship progresses I start to use “we” and “us” language which displays more companionship.
 Is passion a necessary component of romance, or is it possible to have a romantic relationship without frequent passion?
I think life is passion, which is always exciting and amazing. Therefore I have to conclude that passion is necessary for a romantic relationship.I say this because a person pursues a romantic relationship because they are looking for a companion or a life partner. However, I do think that in order to enjoy the passion in life you must be aware of all the things and possibilities around you to enjoy the passion. I feel that most people assume the passion is supposed to hop in their lap, when really, they should be looking for it. Passion dies when you become lazy ;).